Happy Hump day everyone!

I never would have believed that I end up being a Mama.  10 years ago today was a major change in my life that was the first of many steps to where I’m at today.   I quit a financially staple job and started my own company with several people.  I was not a Mama then so leaving a company to start a new one was not a risk factor for me.  Immediately after, we the founders were hit with a lawsuit and then followed by a trial.  On top of that, we did not get pay (attorney fees were excruciatingly expensive) for a couple years.  Recession started right after we stabilized our company.  When I thought my professional life was getting  a little better my personal life took a deep dive. I was going through a divorce and lost everything financially.  Looking back retrospectively, what may seem like a dark cloud in times of difficulty is really a beacon of hope guiding you to a better place.  Sometimes you just got to trust and keep going.   Like Rocky {the movie} said, “It’s not how hard you hit, but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done”.

I remember those sleepless nights (didn’t sleep for 48 hours straight a few times) when we first started our company and wondered what the heck was I thinking leaving my job to pursue this…where is this going?..am I making the right decision?…will it get better or worse?  With huge support from family and friends I was able to pick myself up and carry on.  I met the love of my life and we now have these two beautiful healthy boys.  I can’t ask for more.

Hubby thought it would be a great idea to have an early celebration of this milestone as a family. So we dressed our sons in Mamas & Papas’ outfits that we received for reviews.  You can check out their entire collection for baby boys and girls here.   Our sons loved playing with the suspenders and parading their outfits on the street for people to see.  They kept saying “picture, picture”, asking us to take more photos.  Not only were these outfits stylish they were really comfortable. On top of that, the quality was top notch.  My sons did not want to take them off at the end of the night.

//outfits: Thanks to Mamas & Papas//shoes: crocs//


Thank you for visiting and have a fabulous day!


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  1. Vodka Infused Lemonade Reply

    Such a beautiful post Janise. It’s so true. I’m sorry to hear about all that legal stuff. I hope it got cleared up quickly. I totally believe that everything happens for a reason. My husband lost his job last year and it was very hard on us emotionally and financially. We are now in a better place, but new “crap” has crept up. I try to remind myself that everything happens for a reason and makes us stronger.


    • Janise Reply

      Thank you, Agi. Yes, everything got cleared up – thank goodness. So sorry to hear about your husband but you are correct that everything happens for a reason and that it does make us stronger.

  2. We as women are strong. Look at all you’ve gone through over the years! The title of your post says it all, though. Our darkest lows can be a blessing, because those lows make us stronger and there better days to come. Thanks for your inspiration. Your boys are absolutely adorable!

    • Janise Reply

      Thank you, Kim. Yes, we as women are strong and resilient!!!

  3. Menopausalmother Reply

    You are so strong to have risen above such adversity in your life—and now so wonderfully happy. Congratulations! The photos of your boys are adorable, too!

  4. CRAVE Beauty Reply

    Hello. Thank you for sharing your life in this post. I am a single parent, and I work a full time, and a part time job. We are fortunate to have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and clothes on our back. I am not happy in the neighborhood that I am in, and I sometimes feel like I let my family down.

    I read a scripture each day, and I pray. Through my tears and frustration, I ask God to walk with me, and don’t let me fall. My kids are important to me, and I want them to be proud, and to appreciate me.

    My company, makes me proud. I keep a business card on my monitor at work, so I never forget that, “I did this.” When I wear a shade of my lip gloss, I smile because, “I did this.”

    I wish you and your family peace, love, and success. I will do my best to spread the word about who you are and what you represent. You have done a great thing with your family, and company. I admire you for that.

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