In-Flight Binge Watch Television

I don’t watch a lot of television.  I’m a busy working mom and I have a lot going on.  TV is the last passive activity I do on my downtime.   I think I watch about a few hours per week the most and that’s usually during tv family night.  I know, I have missed a lot of fabulous shows and that’s okay with me.

Whenever I travel one of my simple indulgences is napping on the plane.  My last couple trips were hours long on air and for some reason I wasn’t able to nap.  To kill time I decided to see what’s going on with the monitor that was in front of me.  To my delight, I discovered a lot of great shows.

One show in particular that reeled me in was House of Cards; excellent plot with brilliant acting from actors Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright   One of my favorite shows before having the twins was West Wing, and now House of Cards is added to the list.  Who knew a simple indulgence like this helped me discover one of my favorite shows.  I hope you too will discover something new to indulge in.

Have a great weekend everyone.  Until next week, I will see you on the blog.

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